Walnut Hill

In 2019, inCOMMON extend its mission into Walnut Hill. This historic, North Omaha area possesses a wide array of assets, but as with many disinvested neighborhoods, also faces significant challenges. Today, over one in four residents lives in poverty.

Building upon our decade of learning in Park Avenue, work in Walnut Hill has begun. We are listening to and developing relationships with residents, assessing their strengths, and learning about their dreams for the future. Future plans include neighborhood planning, home ownership support, and playground and community center development.  

Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan

The Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan is a result of two years of public engagement involving surveys, workshops, public meetings, and an equity analysis. In 2021, the planning effort launched with the formation of a 16 member steering committee who met monthly to help guide the consultant and ensure the neighborhood values were well represented. The document includes an analysis of the changes since 2010 and identifies goals and strategies that will guide future development organized around four themes.

Read the Walnut Hill Neighborhood Plan »