Fanny’s Story

Fanny is an incredible leader and friend in Park Avenue. She’s been an ESL student, has volunteered as a Block Connector for the past 2 years, and was among the inaugural graduating class of our Local Leader School. She’s done it all!

Tragically, like many in our neighborhoods, Fanny’s family was hit hard by Covid-19. A job loss made it difficult to put food on the table. In response, our staff connected her to a food pantry operated by a local church partner. Never one to keep a good thing to herself, Fanny began inviting her family, friends, and neighbors to participate. Through her leadership, over 20 families were connected to this resource!

Inspired by her initiative, in the summer of 2020 inCOMMON hired Fanny to serve as a neighborhood outreach worker to identify additional needs throughout the rest of Park Avenue. It was a joy to add the title “co-worker” onto Fanny’s growing list of roles in our community!

Like you, we believe the most effective way to strengthen vulnerable neighborhoods is to equip local leaders to do the work themselves. Fanny’s story reminds us that while our most disinvested neighborhoods do need resources and programs, at the core they really need “Fannys” – local leaders equipped to support their neighbors and lead change in their community. 

Fanny’s story also shows us why having community centers in our target neighborhoods is so crucial. Without inCOMMON’s center in Park Avenue, Fanny wouldn’t have had access to ESL classes, leadership training, or basic resources her neighbors needed in these challenging times.

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