Ruben’s Story

Ruben is one of those very special individuals who not only sees the opportunities around him, but jumps in head-first and makes the most of those opportunities. During his short four years in the Park Ave neighborhood, he’s been a participant in inCOMMON’s ESL program, he completed inCOMMON’s Citizenship program and obtained his US Citizenship, and has led his neighbors in efforts that unite and strengthen his neighborhood. This past spring, he helped administer a community survey that measures his neighbors’ level of connectedness, and this summer he’s serving as the assistant coach for the Park Ave youth soccer club. Most recently, Ruben has taken on the role of volunteer leader of inCOMMON’s Citizenship program, collaborating as an interpreter and instructor.

When Ruben first arrived in the neighborhood, language barriers made it difficult for him to fully participate in the life of his community. As he’s worked hard to reach his goals, including becoming a bi-lingual speaker, Ruben has made a home here in Park Ave! 

When asked what he has enjoyed most about being a part of the inCOMMON community, Ruben says, “the people at inCOMMON make everyone feel important and always look for ways to help.” 

Over time he’s seen the neighborhood improve and become a place that’s safe and friendly. In his opinion, an important part of this change has come from people pursuing opportunities to integrate into the social aspects of the neighborhood. And, as a testimony to his personal experience, he believes it’s critical our community come alongside immigrants and help instill confidence as they seek to make a home in their own “Park Ave.” If his past track record is any indication of his future impact, it’s a good bet that Ruben will be playing an active role in helping others find their home within their new community as well. 

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